
News and Updates to Introduce Schengen Visit Visa

Travelers interested in experiencing the captivating scenery of the Gulf nations will be thrilled to hear that proposals for a Schengen visit visa have been made.

In the near future, travel in the Gulf is anticipated to undergo a revolution with the introduction of the unified tourist visa, which will streamline travel between Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

When Will The GCC Countries' Unified Visa Policy Go Into Effect?

If all plans are approved on time by the various authorities, the new visa process, which will improve travel between the six member countries, is anticipated to launch between 2024 and 2025.

The initiative aims to significantly increase visitor numbers to 128.7 million by 2030, a 137 percent increase from last year's 39.8 million, according to the UAE Minister of Economy. This goal demonstrates a strong dedication to developing the tourism industry in the GCC.

The Middle East's tourism sector has recovered spectacularly from the COVID-19 pandemic, surpassing 90 percent of pre-pandemic travel levels in the previous year, despite headwinds in the world economy. Notably, visitor arrivals to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have fully rebounded in the first quarter of this year.

Enhancing Security And Communication Throughout The Gulf!

The economy and tourism sector are expected to grow as a result of the GCC region moving to a single tourist visa. The secretary general of the GCC emphasized that this initiative goes beyond administrative action and demonstrates a commitment to improving cooperation among member states:

The project of a unified Gulf tourist visa is expected to have a positive impact on the tourism and economic sectors by simplifying and facilitating travel and residency for visitors among the six GCC countries."

In addition to announcing plans for a single tourist visa, the GCC nations have decided to electronically connect trafficking offenses across state borders. This supports a comprehensive plan to fight illicit drugs, stepping up initiatives to address this social problem.

These cooperative projects aim to increase cooperation and connectivity among member states while also enhancing the Gulf region's tourism appeal.

Does Visiting The Gulf Region Require A Visa?

Residents of GCC nations can currently travel between member states without a visa. However, most foreign visitors must still apply for separate visas in order to enter each of the six nations.

As soon as the project is underway, we will provide additional visa news and updates regarding the unified visa plans. Use our website to find out more about your current visa requirements for Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates (UAE)!

Schengen Visit Visa Documentation Process!

The following paperwork must be submitted in order to apply for a Schengen visitor visa:

  • Application Form for Visitor Visa to Schengen. The form can be filled out online, and two copies can be printed.
  • Two photos that meet the requirements for photos on a Schengen visa. They should be no older than six months, with a width of 35–40mm, and a close-up of your head and shoulders so that 70–80% of the picture features your face. The images must be well-focused, of excellent quality, free of creases or ink marks, and adhere to all ISCO guidelines.
  • Your current passport. To attach the visa, it must have two blank pages and have been issued within the previous ten years.
  • Clean photocopies of the passport's first and last pages (biodata).
  • Previous passports (if applicable): If you have more than one old passport, bind them together with a rubber band rather than staple them and give them to the recipient with the other paperwork.
  • Individual cover note. You will provide more information in this letter about your itinerary, dates of travel, countries you intend to visit, lodging arrangements, and other trip-related information.
  • A letter stating that the employer or educational institution has no objections. This is a letter from your employer or your place of higher education confirming your return to your home country is guaranteed by your promise to fulfill contractual obligations there.
  • Emergency medical care, hospital stays, and repatriation in the event of death are all covered by Schengen area medical insurance. The member states of the Schengen Zone have decided that a minimum coverage of EUR is required, and that coverage must be valid for the whole time that you are visiting the Schengen Area.
  • Evidence of reserved airline tickets that were not purchased. However, to demonstrate your intended entry and departure dates, the embassy requires you to purchase a flight reservation. We don’t accept tickets that are one way.
  • Evidence of lodging for the duration of the visit in the Schengen Region. Your friends or family must provide documentation proving they have enough space for you.
  • Evidence of one's financial situation. It is your responsibility to provide proof that you have enough money for the trip and can support yourself while in Schengen area. A bank statement from the last three months—which cannot be more than three days old—should be able to attest to that.

·      You must speak with the appropriate consular authority in your country as the minimum amount needed varies depending on the country. Documentation attesting to your employment status should also be submitted.


How much time does it take to obtain a Schengen Visitor Visa?

The processing time for your application for a Schengen Visitor Visa is approximately 15 days. After the visa interview, you could hear back about your application as soon as three days, but you could also hear back from the authorities for up to 30 days longer. Because of their sensitivity and complicity, extraordinary cases take two months to process by the competent Schengen embassy.

Validity of Schengen Visitor Visa!

A Schengen Visitor Visa can be used anywhere in the Schengen area for up to 90 days during a six-month period. The length of time the Schengen embassy decides to grant you permission to remain in Schengen, however, is entirely up to them when they process your application.

Generally, you will be granted a visa that will allow you to stay in Schengen for the duration of time specified in your application. Nevertheless, spend some time carefully reading the information on your Schengen visa sticker to learn more about this.